Give your students free access
to cutting edge tech.

Last-Mile Optimization Technology for Your Classroom
Whether you’re teaching transportation and spatial modeling, business, or machine learning, Route4Me’s interactive tools will help you make your lectures and classes more informative and effective.
You can effortlessly integrate Route4Me into your educational activities at your university computer laboratory, at-home assignments on students’ personal devices, using the classroom computer, and more.

Boost Student Interest and Engagement
Engage students by combining very important theoretical knowledge with hands-on routing and logistics optimization software developed by industry experts. Make your lectures and classes more fun and interactive.
Students can build use cases with their own sample data, collaborate on team projects in near real-time, visualize the research materials using interactive maps, and more.

Simplify Research and Test Your Theories
Route4Me’s telematics and optimization solutions can be used as an academic sandbox for generating transportation and spatial modeling statistics, testing theories and hypotheses, conducting routing and logistics-related experiments, and capturing other types of actionable intelligence.
Route4Me’s platform natively supports machine learning, data science, and AI workloads. Whether you are an individual researcher or you need to contribute to a team project, Route4Me will give you the right tools to achieve your goals.
Integrate Route4Me within Your Education Environment
Route4Me is a cloud based, easy-to-use platform which is accessible from any computer and operating system. The platform is accessible through an interactive web-based application and native mobile apps that work on the Apple and Android platforms. In addition to the self-service applications, Route4Me features a rich set of SDKs and APIs that can be used by engineering students and researchers who are interested in software development as part of their curriculum.
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